I came to awaken the spark of the lightworkers to raise the frequency of the planet. —Charm

Work With Charm
You are aware that money is your achilles heel. And you’re ready to open up to the abundance that is your birthright.
Is this you?
- You desire to live out your soul’s potential, and you’re tired of money holding you back. You’re done with compromising your higher purpose for a paycheck.
- You are ready to drop the hustle and stress, and thrive in abundance from a place of ease and flow.
- You know healing your dysfunctional relationship with money requires an energetic and tactical approach, and you’re ready to take tangible action. You’re prepared to integrate the practices and implement the steps to transform your reality.
The truth is, having desire means the pathway to realizing it exists. It’s universal law. Stop racking up charges on overdue bills and money leaks, and draining your life force energy. Activate a new charge — the vibrational charge of Charm. There are many lightworkers out there. Some know they're lightworkers, and some do not. Spirit has called Charm to reach those people, to speak to those souls, and to inspire them to rise up.
Sometimes a light needs a spark to ignite, so you can do what you’re called to do on this planet.
Choose your crucible for lasting change with Charm.

The Abundance Quest - $297
The Abundance Quest is an immersive, self-guided video e-series initiating your transformational journey to recode your relationship with money and abundance.
- The Abundance Quest self-guided video series (10 modules)
- The Abundance Quest Q&As (10, 30-minute pre-recorded Q&As) that crystallize Charm’s teachings
- The Abundance Quest Workbook inviting deeper self-reflection and consistent practice of Charm’s principles
- A Facebook group that cultivates community and features weekly live videos of Charm teaching & channeling Divine messages
- The Vibration of Charm recorded meditation series attuning you to gratitude, joy, peace and enlightenment

TAQ - Coaching Level - $497
Coaching Level is a three-month collective awakening. The coaching container is encoded with an energetic upgrade and offers direct connection with Charm via two live, hot-seat Zoom coaching calls per month.
- The Abundance Quest self-guided video series (10 modules)
- The Abundance Quest Q&As (10, 30-minute Q&As) that crystallize Charm’s lessons
- 2 live hot-seat Zoom coaching calls per month (6 total calls over 3 months) delivering potent alchemical activation
- The Abundance Quest Workbook inviting deeper self-reflection and consistent practice of Charm’s principles
- A Facebook group that cultivates community and features weekly live videos of Charm teaching & channeling Divine messages
- The Vibration of Charm recorded meditation series attuning you to gratitude, joy, peace and enlightenment.

Charm’s Chalice - $1212.00
Charm’s Chalice (A Small Group Mastermind) - You’ve done the foundational work, and you’re ready to harmonize and fine-tune your energetic and tactical relationship with money.
- The Abundance Quest self-guided video series (10 modules)
- The Abundance Quest Q&As (10, 30-minute pre-recorded Q&As) that crystallize Charm’s teachings
- 2 live hot-seat Zoom coaching calls per month (6 total calls over 3 months) delivering potent alchemical activation for 12 chosen lightworkers
- The Abundance Quest Workbook inviting deeper self-reflection and consistent practice of Charm’s principles
- A Facebook group that cultivates community and features weekly live videos of Charm teaching & channeling Divine messages
- The Vibration of Charm recorded meditation series attuning you to gratitude, joy, peace and enlightenment
- Unlimited texts with Charm
Limited to 12 souls committed to deepening their money mastery, Charm’s Chalice, a three-month, small group mastermind, creates an intimate circle for transformation, upleveling and soul-centered alignment with your highest purpose. This is a highly-vetted alchemical container.

Seven or Above Enlightened Masters Retreat
The Seven or Above retreat is only for enlightened masters. You exist in the vibrational energy of Seven or Above, and you know the righteous growth of money is a clear sign that you are in flow with the Universe. You have manifested results but not to your highest octave. You’re hindered in some way and you’re not sure why. It’s because there are holes in how you’re practicing, and in what you believe. There are holes in how you vibrate. Because you choose to vibrate at an energy of gratitude or higher, you co-create and manifest on purpose. It’s spiritual law
The Seven or Above retreat does not teach how to live from this space, it serves 20 Enlightened Masters ready to take their practice to the next level.
1:1 Mentorship With Charm
Some lightworkers need confirmation and permission to go forth. Perhaps you need somebody who sees you, truly sees you, and sees the work and the mission that you’re called to do. Where you’ve been trying to get results or uncover something with therapists, coaches or workshops for 20 years, a one-on-one session with Charm will crystallize information and awaken your deeper knowing so you can fulfill your purpose.

You will receive information you knew but didn’t really know, or information you knew but didn't have the courage to execute. You will experience exhortation from me, permission from me, and the understanding that you are commissioned by the Universe and there's no other fingerprint like you. If you don’t fulfill your soul’s mission, there's nobody else commissioned to do it. I will give you permission to play full-out, to be exactly who you are called to be. I can see what you are commissioned to do, and I will give you permission to do it, and help you to embark on your calling in a short order of time.
- Who you are doesn’t need planning.
- What you’re called to do doesn’t need knowledge. You already have it.
- You just need somebody to come alongside you and to confirm to you that yes, indeed, this is who you are, and to give you permission to do it.

The clarity you gain through working with Charm will take you light-years into your future.
Meditation Series
The Vibration of Charm meditation series attunes you to gratitude, joy, peace and enlightenment.
As Charm channels: Whether you know you are a lightworker or not, under the sound of my voice, something will resonate and be familiar to you. It's that familiarity that you need to hear and follow and trust that the Universe at that very moment is reaching out specifically for you, through me. It happened to me. It happened to all of us who were sparked. This is my time to spark others. I'm equipped and I'm ready, and you are too. Whoever you are, you are equipped and ready. You just need to be turned on. You need that spark.
Download The Vibration of Charm, a series of consciousness-activating meditations, now.
Self Discovery
Lessons of a Life Coach is a self-help book that gives the reader useful tools to navigate through the everyday challenges that we face while becoming aware of why we face them.
In Charm’s debut book, you will meet your fears and understand how to make peace with them. You will break habits that you never thought you could. You will learn your core values and know how to honor them. You will begin to say “no” to the “people pleaser” and “yes” to self. You will understand that loving yourself is your greatest gift to you and how your own outdated beliefs are limiting you. You will coach yourself and you will learn how a life coach works to serve you. Finally, you will learn life skills that will create more happiness and harmony at work, home and in your relationships once you start your own journey of applying these principles.